Customizing Positions

To adjust the names and descriptions of any position in the elections tab of CivicEngine:
  • First, go to the election page by clicking the word Elections in the menu bar under Research in CivicEngine, and click on the election you'd like to edit.
  • The Positions tab on the left side will lead you to a list of all positions on the ballot during that election.
  • Click on any of the specific positions, and you'll be able to edit the name and description.

Follow the screen recording to see an example of editing position information.

To edit position information in another language, use the dropdown on the right side to select another language. From there, you'll be able to edit the name and description.

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 4.03.19 PM

Please reach out to your Customer Success Lead with any questions you have about customizing in CivicEngine Manage.