Learn more about the Recruitment Engine

BallotReady's Recruitment Engine allows users to learn more about becoming a candidate.

How Does It Work?

Users of your Civic Center can learn more about local positions up for election in their area using the Recruitment Engine tool.

Recruitment Engine Tile CC

When users click on the tile, they can update their address and choose a year they are interested in running for office. 

Recruitment Engine Stage 2 CC

Once they click the Find a Position, users will be shown a list of positions, a brief description of the position, and filing deadlines and requirements. 

Recruitment Engine BR 2

See more about how the Recruitment Engine data will appear in your user data in our User Data Dictionary.  

Run for This Position

If users are interested in running for a specific position, they can click on “Run for this position” to learn more. A popup appears to let users know more about the process of running for office and provides a list of organizations that help candidates run for office with links to learn more. 

Recruitment Engine Org List CC

The list of organizations is editable based on your organization’s preference. Reach out to your Customer Success Lead if you’re interested in adding or removing an organization from this list. 

Reach out to the Partnerships team if you have any questions or suggestions about this tool at support@ballotready.org.