Basic User Data

BallotReady Basic User Data is available as a .csv export and includes user information collected in the Civic Center widget.

BallotReady offers Basic User Data as the most reliable way for you to collect information about users visiting your Civic Center. You can choose what information you want to collect by customizing your widget's user data attributes. 

Basic User Data includes the following fields: 

Field Name Sample
id 17517019
tenant_id 681
address 13 Rose St, Philadelphia, PA 19120, USA
street_number 13
street Rose Street
city Philadelphia
state PA
zipcode 19120
utm_campaign getoutthevote
utm_content text
utm_medium blog
utm_source facebook
utm_term 2024
custom [custom text designated by the customer]
locale en
phone 5553250873
first_name Sarah
last_name Smith
created_at 2024-04-17 11:25:39
updated_at 2024-04-17 11:25:40

Basic User Data is offered as a daily .csv export. Check out our article about setting up Basic User Data exports in Civic Engine Manage. Basic Exports can be delivered to either a Google Drive folder or an Amazon S3 Bucket. 

File Naming Conventions

Each Basic User Data CSV file uses the following system for naming:


datasetVersionName: The name of the dataset you're receiving.

tenantName: The name of your BallotReady instance (typically the name of your organization).

randomToken: A string of 6 random characters to ensure unique filenames.

YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS: The timestamp that indicates when the file was exported. Indicated in years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the UTC timezone.

For example, a basic user data export with the name of "basic_user_data_-_rolling_v1_yourOrg_34poe_2024_09_20_08_30_35" would indicate that the name of the export is "Basic User Data - Rolling v1" and that it was exported on 9/20/2024 at 8:30 UTC.

Basic user data sets are typically "rolling", so you can assume the export window starts at the date and time of the last export. 

If you have questions about how to add or subtract attributes from your widget or about how to establish user data exports, please reach out to your Customer Success Lead.